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The Rosenfeld Family, The de Jonge Family, Eva Rosenfeld nee´ de Jonge, Emil and Käthe Kahn
The Rosenfeld Family
The Jewish family, Rosenfeld, lived at Kampstrasse 26. Phillip Rosenfeld was born, in the neighbouring Cammer, on 13th March, 1856. His wife, Paula nee´ Klein, was born in Bommern near Witten on the Ruhr on 2nd December, 1870.
The pair had three children, Moritz, born 23rd March, 1891, Martha born 11th January, 1893 and Erna, born 11th March, 1894.
Phillip Rosenfeld was a self employed livestock dealer whose business dealings were very successful, allowing the family to live comfortably. The increasing anti Jewish activities of the National Socialists in 1937 had a negative influence on his business, so much so that he was forced to give up. After the Pogrom on the night 9th/10th November, 1938, the Rosenfelds, like many Jews in Germany, were forced to pay to repair damage on Jewish property which had been done by the SA and SS. They were forced to pay 6.750,-Reichsmark.
According to the National Archives in Koblenz the couple were arrested by the Gestapo on 31st July, 1942, and were taken by collective transport through Bielefeld and deported to the concentration camp, Theresienstadt. Their belongings were seized and auctioned off. Phillip died less than two weeks later on 15th August, 1942, in Theresienstadt. Paula died there on 6th January, 1943.
Nothing is known about the circumstance of their deaths.
Their three children were able to leave Germany early enough and all of them survived the Nazi rule.
The de Jonge Family
The house at Kampstrasse 26 doesn’t exist any more but from February, 1940 until July 1942, the Jewish couple, de Jonge, lived there with a son. They had moved to Minden from Weener in Ostfriesland.
The Husband, Benjamin de Jonge, was born in Weener, where he lived for 67 years, on 29th March 1873. He dealt in livestock and was probably a farmer and butcher. He was married to Sara nee´ de Levie, who was born in Ihrhove in the district of Leer/Ostfriesland, on 19th December, 1881. The couple had four or five children the oldest of which was Samuel, nicknamed Budi, who was born on 1st July, 1903. Amalie, nicknamed Mali, was born on 19th May 1906 and Henry, on 20th September, 1910. Only the records of these three children are still in existence. Samuel died in Warsaw in 1942 and Amalie and Henry were murdered in Auschwitz in 1942. All we know about their daughter, Frieda, is that she probably emmigrated to England and that her married name was Rosengarten. The de Jonges probably had a fifth child but that hasn’t been confirmed.
After the anti Jewish boycott measures of 1933 Benjamin de Jonge’s business suffered so much that he was forced to stop trading. In February, 1940, the de Jonges were expelled from Weener and moved to Minden. They moved in with their relative, Eva Rosenfeld whose maiden name was de Jonge. On 28th July, 1942, they were arrested by the Gestapo, together with thirty other’s, and taken to Bielefeld and from there were deported to the concentration camp, Theresienstadt. On an unknown date they were sent to Auschwitz and probably murdered on 15th May, 1944.
The oldest son, Samuel, had worked in his father’s business as a dealer in livestock. In 1938 his trading permit was revoked and he was sent into forced labour in Wilhelmshaven. He later returned to Weener and was, like his parents, expelled in February, 1940. He first went to Bremen then joined his parents in Minden, and also lived in the accommodation belonging to Eva Rosenfeld.
On 31st March, 1942, he was sent to Warsaw where, on an unknown date, he was killed.
Eva Rosenfeld nee´ de Jonge
There is very little information regarding the Jew, Eva Rosenfeld nee´de Jonge, but she had lived in the house at Kampstrasse 26.
She was born 3rd February, 1877, in Weener, Ostfriesland. At an early age she married the butcher, Julius Rosenfeld, and was made a widow soon after their marriage, her husband falling in the First World War in France. It is not known when she moved to Minden. She lived, at first, at Obermarktstrasse 9, and from 1938 in her relative’s house at the above address. She was to be arrested, together with 32 other Minden Jews, to be deported to the concentration camp Theresienstadt. On 27th July, 1942, she chose to commit suicide.
Emil and Käthe Kahn
The Jewish couple, Emil and Kaethe Kahn, lived for two and a half years at Kampstrasse 26, before they were deported to Riga.
Emil Kahn came from Heidelberg-Rohrbach where he was born 7th October, 1893, and was a woodworker by trade. There exists no record of his working life, up until 1934. From April, 1934, he worked for the firm, Thalheimer Brothers in Wiedenbrueck. This firm belonged to Jews but became Aryan in November 1938. Because of this Emil Kahn, being Jewish was sacked. At an unknown point in time he moved to Frille where he lived in house number 17. He had three children from a previous marriage, Friedrich Max, known as Fred, Sophie and Anselm, who all left Germany early enough to escape the Holocaust.
On 2nd June, 1939, he married Kaethe Meyer who was born 13th September, 1905, in Frille, and was a home help. Nothing is known of her life up until 1938. On 1st September, 1938, she probably moved, from Herford to Ringstrasse 36, Minden. After their marriage
Emil and Kaethe lived at Kampstrasse 26.
On 13th December, 1941, 25 Minden Jews were taken from Bielefeld and deported to the Riga Ghetto, Emil and Kaethe being among them. On 9th August, 1944, Kaethe was sent from there, to the concentration camp Sutthoff, where all trace of her was lost. She was declared dead on 8th May, 1945. Her husband, Emil, was taken to Sutthoff at an unknown point in time and from there to the concentration camp Buchenwald on 16th August, 1944. He was probably murdered there on 21st February, 1945.
Emil Kahn was the owner of a house in Heidelberg that had been confiscated and which passed into Aryan hands. After the war it was returned to his children and they also received 7.000,-DM for damage regarding the furnishing.